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Santa continues his yearly tradition in San Gabriel - Dec 20 to 23

Santa will ride on top of the SGFD Vintage Fire Truck and tour the streets of San Gabriel

By Bronwyn Velazquez - Monterey Park , Glendale and Glendora Publisher. December 16, 2020

 If you are born and raised in San Gabriel or grew up in San Gabriel. You know what a timeless and treasured childhood memory this is. He will ride this year! To bring joy to the families in San Gabriel. The tradition will continue. Read on for more info on his route this year. Be safe, wear a mask, stay in your yards and wave to him when he drives by. 

 This year, Santa will continue his yearly tradition on top of the fire truck from December 20 to 23. In light of the ongoing pandemic, here are a few safety measures we're encouraging you to follow as Santa greets the community.

Safety Procedures

  1. Santa encourages everyone to gather with their own household.
  2. Be sure to stay within your house. This can include your front yard.
  3. Please physically distance from those outside of your own household and do not gather in groups with those outside of your immediate household.
  4. If you are outside of your household, please wear a face mask.

What is Santa’s route?

Santa’s route in the City is spread over four consecutive nights from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the same dates every year.  From December 20 to December 23, the City is split into four quadrants with the following route:

  • Dec. 20. Southwest: This is the area south of the railroad tracks to the I-10 FWY and from Del Mar Avenue, west to New Avenue.
  • Dec. 21. Southeast: This is the area south of the railroad tracks to the I-10 FWY and from Del Mar Avenue, east to Charlotte Avenue.
  • Dec. 22. Northwest: This is the area north of the railroad tracks to Longden Avenue and from Del Mar Avenue, west to Alhambra Road.
  • Dec. 23. Northeast: This is the area north of the railroad tracks to Longden Avenue and from Del Mar Avenue, east to Willard Avenue.

The route is driven primarily for the City of San Gabriel. Periodically, for ease of travel, the Santa sleigh may enter unincorporated areas of San Gabriel but it’s done for the purposes of maneuvering the fire engine.